Archive for May, 2012

this is what works for me, and when i adhere to it i lean out without even thinking about it:

  • i stick to meats, healthy fats, veggies and some fruit.
  • i don’t eat eggs
  • i don’t eat dairy
  • i don’t eat nuts
  • (and i am obsessive about avoiding gluten)

what does this mean? i mostly eat at home or at restaurants i really trust. sometimes i eat almost 2lbs. of grass fed beef a day, not often but its been known to happen.

we are headed out for vacation next week so i have prepared our meal plan and begun making snacks for us (beef jerky, dried bananas, coconut muffins, apple muffins, etc.) so we have something prepared to eat when we are hungry (no slips into junk food we will later regret). we will spend a week at the ocean with a pool and my kids will be down in the water as much as possible ALL DAY and they come back absolutely famished so having a plan is critical to keeping us all happy and nourished.

what are your plans for next week? any vacations coming up?


i am a bit late on this, but i am going to go ahead and catch up with it. i hope you enjoy it too!

i do much more than cook, thus i have had a bit of an identity crisis these past few months. i don’t want to be held to only writing about cooking, recipes, etc.

so, here it is, i am a real food cook and so much more. i will be posting more about all of the other things i am, in addition to preparing amazing food…

enjoy the journey!