five days into the whole life challenge ( and feeling ah-mazing!!

this is my third whole life challenge (wlc), and i have learned a few things from each experience. the first one was really hard for me, i hadn’t completely adjusted to clean eating before we started and detox was tough. in the spring 2013 wlc i was part of a smallĀ  group of ladies (read accountability group) and we had meetings each week and laughed a lot together. it was actually a lot of fun last time. bonus: i won by losing the most inches, improving my performance score and logging my daily points. score: free membership for an entire year to my box- crossfit long beach.
i forgot to blog about the first four days, mostly because we are way too busy around here to stop and actually WRITE! school has started, classes have begun, therapy appointments for the two littlest ones, and blah, blah, blah… busy.

todays feed:
b: black coffee, banana pancakes, small bowl of berries
l: baby romaine, tomatoes, steamed beets, sunflower seeds, oil and vinegar
s: almonds and raisins
d: chicken thighs w salt and pepper, cauliflower and onion fries.
all in all a great day, drank lots of water and different teas throughout the day.

thoughts: this challenge is not about perfection, more about looking at what changes can be made to allow oneself to meet their personal goals. last challenge i discovered nearly all of the meat i was feeding my family at lunch was loaded with sugar, albeit under different names, but sugar none the less. when the spring 2013 wlc was over i allowed it to sneak back into my kitchen and our lunches (it’s so ez to just pop open a package of lunch meat, amiright?). things need to change, and they have.
fitness: stop scaling wods, four wods per week for the next eight weeks
personal: blog every day for the rest of this challenge, encourage and be present with my kids and husband
spiritual: get back into daily quiet time with the Giver of Life

stay clean,